God Is Writing My Life Story...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

a new tune to the ear...

yipee... finally this sort of lifted up me day...
haaaaa... wat am i talking about you may think...
its actually a double CD pack...
which is just released by UNITED HILLSONG!!!
argh... i have been waiting for its release since EVER...
now i have got it...or can be said as bought it... hehe :P
its the I HEART REVOLUTION vol.1!!!!
its actually a great album where all the old n new songs are compiled into 2 CDs...
the album consists of 30 songs... so syok la...
dont be jealous la those of you that are also drooling over this album...
just get it in christian stores... it will mostly be there on the shelfs...
you all should check out their website too...
www.theiheartrevolution.com or www.hillsongmusic.com
two really fantastic sites where you can get all the new albums which are going to be released by Hillsong....


Blogger mel said...

i tot it shud be www.theiheartrevolution.com lolx.u watch d dvd d??nice rite??hahahax.

April 2, 2008 at 10:03 PM  

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