God Is Writing My Life Story...

Friday, April 25, 2008

phew... it has been a long day even though its only noon now...
anyway, we were having our co-curiculum day at scholl this morning...
was quite fun le...
we had activities such as senam-robik, marching comp.n karate n tekwando presentation...
was involved in the marching comp. le...
din win la for sure coz was kinda unprepared n my commands end at the wrong foot most of the time...
i have some kind of problems with coordinating stuff... n visualising le *saddening =.=*
but the 23rd Ranger Unit won the formal n fancy marching comp...
with Veryn being the commander, she got the title Best Commander!!!
u surely deserved the prize...
the other uniform bodies done perfectly well... the fancy marching was superbly funny lo..

the entire class was hoping to skip chemistry class after all the activities...
cos there was like one more period before we are goin to be dismissed from school...
and chem is like utter boring-ness...
luckily when she came in to class when we were supposed to have a gotong-royong, she called us to clean up the class n not have chem lessons... YAHOO!!!
so we were super obedient n clean up the class...*perasaning*

finally i dont need to stay back for anymore marching pracs.
most of the co-curicular activities will resume in the 2nd semester...
happieness n joy fills the air...
no more worries... its like a burden lifted up from me...
now i can recover n gain back the energy i had loss the past few months...

well, for the past few days...
my specs was having a serious injury...haha :]
not very serious le but counted as an accident le...
as i have always been bugging me mom for a new specs.
this day has finally come...
yay... i can show off my specs as soon as i get my hands on it... haha :P
i just went to one-stop to get it done ler...

will most probably be getting them on monday...
so nice le... i like it...

this is whats goin on today...
i am so sleepy rite now...
gonna take a nap...
sayonara :D


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