God Is Writing My Life Story...

Monday, March 31, 2008


most of us are given the opportunity and privilege to serve the Lord Almighty...
it is a real great honour to be able to give back all that we have to Him...

as He sacrificed for us... we should be thankful n repay for everything that He had done in our lives...
but the fact is that we can never outgive Him...
therefore, we should give our lives as a living sacrifice n be obedient to His calling upon our lives...

for the past few days, i have been hearing ppl complaining bout serving after getting their duty lists...
"haiz... i am serving for 2 weeks in a row..."
"wat la... me again... i serve not enuff meh"
shouldnt it be a pleasure to serve God...
shouldnt we be greatful that we can serve in various ministries...
some ppl wanna serve God but they cant...
wat can we say bout that...
we should start appreciating the times when we can serve God...
we should have the passion to serve God...
if we dont why should we even serve Him...
we should be serving Him with all our hearts n not oni for the sake that you are on duty...
shouldnt we??
its a question for everyone n also to myself...
some of us even serve God for the wrong reasons...
"oh, why i serve ar??? its actually to show off my skills lo.."
that shouldnt be the reason la...
common la... serving is not about showing off...
its about how much things you are willing to put on the altar n surrender it to God...
its about giving back the talents He had given unto you by giving Him all the praises n worship...
its not like you are forced to repay Him...
He is actually seeing whether you are willing to do various things with the talents He had gave us for the right usage...
some ppl have the passion to serve but arent given the chance to...
we shouldnt bury our talents from God...
we should use it to praise Him... n thank Him for it...

i sumtimes get fed up of serving...
sometimes, i myself also get swayed a lil bit...
but i endured la...
coz i noe who i am serving...

n it pleases Him... n i am also pleased with myself knowing that i am doing something good...
but i thank God for always blessing me throughout my life serving Him...
n i noe when i serve, i serve passion and with all my heart...
n i never regreted serving Him...
dont just serve for the sake of serving...
but serve with a passion and a drive to bring souls into Him's kingdom...
be a channel of blessing to others by serving Him...

hope this post helps u ppl out there to boost up your passion to serve Him...
-God Bless You-

*today, today*

Today oh today...
its a HOLIDAY!!!! fReeDom at LasT...
goin out with my pals today to gp...
will be so fun...hehe :P
anyway, we are planning to have lasagna at Manila Place and catch a movie...
dont be jealous if u are reading this... coz i noe u will... haha..
its a holiday today for all the CPTarians coz we had our sport's day last saturday...
so great la our school pengetua...

quite bored la these past few days...
after all the exams n stuff... sort of nothing to do...
actually got things to do but no mood to do la...
i am actually a quite last minute person... *confession of an innocent girl*
sorry, i let my perasan-ness out...*yikes*
well, i did a survey n i got to know that...
the world is inheritted by a lot of perasan ppl...
actually a lot of us have a perasan-ness inside of us...
its just that we dont let that nature of ours out...
hmmm... its interesting for now, man are more concerned about their out look rather than women...
there is now even facial foam for men...
that product didnt even existed ever since the year 2000...
men arent concerned about their outlooks since... EVER... until now lar...
women now pula are not so concerned bout that...
believe it or not... guys even go for facial n other girly stuff... hehe :P
i hope these men dont turn gay... haha :)
hmmm... actually why am i talking bout this???
oh, the survey... haha ;P
i fool myself sumtimes...

>>>a MUST watch>>>
ah-ha... a show we are talking about here...

ok, this show its actually a malaysian produce la...
must support our own movie ma...
its quite old de la this show but still nice... i think it was out in the cinemas in 2003 or 2004..
anyway, the title is SEPET...
such a touching show la... n really an eye opener...
this is the first time i cried watching a love story...
its really a must watch la... hope you will get hold of the tape n watch it...
n dont forget to borrow me the DVD after you watch la.. hehe:P
its actually about the malay n chinese race...
not car race ok... race as in bangsa...
a boy who is chinese n a malay girl fall in love with each other...
all the stuff they had to go thru with each other...
so touching... i cant proceed with the story line...
later i cry pulak... recalling the whole story...
let you ppl find out for yourselves la...
remember to watch SEPET yar...

well thats basically wat i wanna blog today...
donno wat to blog about adi...
my brain cells not functioning well enuff these few days...
you readers pls give me some ideas on wat to write about yea...
have a great day...
God Bless You!!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

the time has come when all stand united...holding up banners with laud cries...

the day has finally come.. where we compete to find out who is the best...

all the anxiousness n swetty-ness running down our faces...

the agony of waiting n waiting for the day to end...

the fun and pains that we have to go thru today...

this day is called "THE SPORTS DAY!!!"

its actually today lar for me school...

quite intensed competitions waiting on the line...

running, pulling n marching...

all these activities lined up for all of us to prove which team is the best..

it started quite slow la at the beginning when all of us are still snoozing...

>>>MARCHING>>> [kiri, kiri, kiri, kiri, kanan, kiri, kiri, kiri, kiri, kanan]

well, the marching was great but can be improved la... as always...

anyway, i just wanna thank all me marchers both faithful n non-faithful ones...

[u better hope your name is on the faithful group or else...]

for all your support n sacrifices... all the effort that we put in will be seen today..

really appreciate the good times we have together, practising under the 'cold' sun...

the sun has always been cruel to us... but all of us went n fight the heat of the sun in unity...

really great to see an awesome performance from all of you...

there is no regrets picking you ppl as my marchers...

n this is the final time we will be marching together...

this is a memoriable day for me...

to be able to lead a group of talented n disiplined marcher onto the field...

it has been an honour to be your marching captain...

n thank you for tolerating me at times when i go crazy n wacky...

well, siezing the emo parts of the paragraph...

it was great to see all the other team marchers performing absolutely well today...

n did i mention... GREEN HOUSE MARCHING got 2nd placing...

n GREEN HOUSE got the best overall teams...

which means this year's sports day...

GREEN HOUSE WON!!!! [yahoo!!! yipee!!!]

it was a great day eventhough it is super tiring...

n super HOT!!! the sun was high up our heads when we did our closing march...

n it is darn scorching...

am gonna have sunburn all over me...*sobs*

becoming darker n darker... while i dream to be fairer n fairer...

my dream will not come true even if i use SK-II...

well, the day ended practically at 12noon...

with smiles on the faces of the green house teachers n members...

it was a fair competition n everyone is a winner...

pics will be uploaded soon... no worries...

n dont rush me...

btw, michelle tan came back last saturday... n now she is back at KL... no fun wan... din get to go out wif her... *sobs*


Venue: Hunza Complex, Greenlane.
Time: 7.30pm - 9.30pm
Day: Every Saturday
Venue: Hunza Complex
Time: 7.30pm - 9.30pm [Saturday: 29/3]
Speaker: Pastor Sunil Abraham

hope to see you there!!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


its been way long since i updated me blog...
was so caught up in time n stressfulness....
so much stuff to do...
anyway, watched a show last saturday....
Yay!!! FINALLY...
argh... superb show la...
its a must watch again for me n a must watch for those of u who have not seen this show...
n if you are gonna watch the show... belanja me watch again ya...
the must watch is: SPIDERWICK CHRONICLE
its an adventurous show filled with magical stuff la... very interesting n nice movie...
i actually went with melissa...
n i sort of did sumthing silly in the cinema la...
maybe its silly to melissa but it was normal for me la....
if u noe wat i did... dont even try to ask... hehe :P

well, the service was packed with ppl la...

Ps. Rajan's preaching really touched my heart...
n made me wanna change myself into a better person....

>>>yesterday once more>>>
was so busy yesterday...
went out the whole day just to go and prepare caps for the marching squad...
totally and utterly drained out today...
luckily, i got the caps made...
n i shall not complain bout it...
in everything give thkz...

today was great n fun oso la...
got me test results... n i thk God for it...
shud appreciate wat i got n not be sad or regret bout it la...
we [the whole class] were so free nearly the entire day...
so, we played a 2 day game... called the SECRET FRIEND...
we were suppose to pick names n keep the fwen happy for the entire 2 days...
quite fun lar... i was the first person to receive a letter from my so-called secret admirer...
n if u[my secret admirer] is reading this...
i want a piece of CAKE!!!
i was craving for cake since yesterday... so pls fulfill me wish... hehe >.<

that is sort of it la for today...
will be sitting for me test on friday...
wait for updates then...
byez byez!!!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008


wow, yesterday's service was Superbly Amazing...
Rev. Rajan is like so power packed... jumping aroud the entire stage n stuff like that...
din expect it from a man like him...
can't wait for tonites sermon at the Ignite Youth Service...
Rev. Rajan's sermon really hits the core of wat is good friday...
so cool...
healing took place at dewan sri...
really amazing to see the miracles there n then...[even my bulu stand on end]
ppl who are having pains in their backs n legs n the entire body is magnificently healed...
we can truly see the miracles of God working in our lives...
nearly the entire dewan was filled wif ppl... except for the top part la...
during alter call...
the stage was packed wif ppl seeking for God's healing...
but as Jesus said... It is by your faith that you are healed...
if we truly believe, we will surely receive was God has installed for us...

if you are interested to see n also feel the magnificent works of God...
Join us!!!

Date: 22/3/08 (saturday)
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Hunza Sanctuary
Date: 23/3/08 (sunday)
Time: 10.15am
Venue: Dewan Sri Pinang
Hope to see you there...
n experience the healing upon ppl's lives...
it will be an experience of a life time for all of us to witness....

Friday, March 21, 2008

saddening nia... T.T

well, din updated these past few days... sowie...
anyway, its Goodie Friday n my church is gonna have a service...

Venue: Dewan Sri Pinang
Time: 8.00pm
Speaker: Rev. Rajan Benedict
Admission: FREE!!!

its actually a healing service... so eventhough it is quite last minute...
if u are reading this post... pls bring your friend n family for this service...
it will be great to see u there tonite...

>>>SaDDeNiNg NeWs>>>
~Japanese girls are HOT & CUTE & SO SO SWEET~
i din taste them la of coz... they are so totally nice n fwenly...
too bad *sobs* they go home to Japan de....
today, they had their farewell presentation that we are not allowed to attend...
other ppl were enjoying the show while we were stuck in chemistry class... T.T
sadness n misery... copy copy n copy more notes...
but good oso la coz din miss class... n all the 'informative' explanations...
finally, they are goin back to japan tmrw...
so sad... n also quite memalukan...
coz a few of us cried in front of them coz they wanna leave de...
all the 6 of them cried as well...
eventhough it was only a short term exchange but there are memories that they left behind...

well, that sort of it about today...
tataz =.=

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


this is the happiest day of me life lo... [not really the happiest la...hehe:P]

Problem statement: Will there be test tmrw??
Hypothesis: when tua liap lang come to our skool, therefore there will be no tests..
Conclusion: NO TEST TMRW!!!
Emotions: YAHOO!!!!
Things to do:study lo...dont think i will do that la...

i aint that hardworking... lol...
btw, results are like out super duper fast...
yesterday baru take test, today got result de...
quite good la... not as i expected to get la...
i tot i wud get worse la...

>>>kePaLa LiNeS>>>
test was super hard la... coz din study ma... as always la...
syok-ness 4 today is that chemistry test is
is is......

hip-hip hooray!!!! freedom from text books for 3 days...
even est is postponed... but moral still this friday...
cant believe ms.pauline will postpone the test...
anyway, will enjoy this week end a lot....
n just cant wait for tmrw as the japanese girls are coming...
n all the tua liap lang all come... haiz...
must put up our fake attitudes in front of them la....
cannot go crazy like always... must sit quietly... put on a smile n stuff like that la....
but i am always quai as an angel so no need to fake la....[perasan again]

no worries for u readers...
i will be here to give u up to date news....
be happie bout it... :)
cai chien...

Monday, March 17, 2008

4 DoNe, 6 tO gO.... o.O

finally back to school...
with the first sight of the class...
desks all arranged n everyone studying... [oh bummer....]
me aint no study though....
i aint that hardworking...
well, sat thru all the 4 tests which was an ok la for me...
bm then maths... add math then physics...
thk God i was able to answer the questions la...
but too bad... LOADS of careful mistakes... *sobs T.T*
even i was careful enuff but was so super duper careless...

well just wanna wish all those straight As ppl n also the crooked As ppl...

[under 18 prohibited from reading this section...]
let me check ur i/c then oni can see...

hmmmm.... there is a bad news la for me...
history is like tmrw n look at wat i am doin now...
still BLOGGING... superbly well done for me...
3 done 7 to go....[chapters i have to study]
n the KILLER exam .... freeky BIO is tmrw...
how the ?!@* am i gonna study finish....
sumore can online...
the funny thing is that yesterday i played my guitar...
after abandoning it near my bed for months...
just becoz i was to stressed to study...
sumore can watch HeRoeS after playin the guitar...
silly me...
now oni complain no time... haha :P
but still i am onlining....

was hoping that history will be postponed due to the fact that some JAPANESE exchange students are coming to our school... [not ur school... too bad for u]
anyway, they were actually coming tmrw but it was actually wednesday...
teachers give wrong info... haiz...
so no postponing history...
but end it earlier better la... can go out faster oso...
FREEDOM in another 4 days... YIPEE!!!!
so faster ask me out ya... go watch movie or either play daytona oso can...
wish me luck too so that i may converse with the japanese ppl...
konichiwa.... nandaiyo... itadakimas... sumimasen... konbanwa...arigato...
too much japanese films n anime for me...
was thinking about their uniforms though...
hmmm.... i wonder whether they will be wearing sailormoon type of an outfit...
short skirts with long stockings... cool lo...
luckly no guys in the school...
or else wherever u go can see drool all over the floor... haha :P
no offence la guy readers... hehe :D

thats mostly it la for today...
hope that i can online tmrw n tell u bout the tests...

tataz >.<

Friday, March 14, 2008

Last Nite...

well, yesterday was quite busy...
had to rush to finish off my EST project that is so super LAME...

>>>>at tuition>>>>

our whole tuition room was like invaded by bugs...
unharmful bugs la of course...
saddening scenario is that some the CPTarians *i was not inclueded* are like screaming n over reacting just becoz there were bugs on their books, hair, clothes, n pensil boxes...
SWT-NESS isnt it... haha =.=
its a great laugh after thinking back bout this... *giggles*
the other students *that is me* are all as calm as a donno wat la...
getting back to the topic...
DR. ARUN said sumthing super hillarious n its quite tongue twisting as well...
Quote: "If you don't bug the bugs, the bugs wont bug you."
-Wise Words, Dr. Arun-

it was quite funny if you say it very fast...
n its also quite confusing too....

the holidays which i do not claim as holidays are finally coming to an end...
didnt really enjoyed my holidays or can i call it my 'torture times'...
torturing coz have to study for the exams next monday... [oh, bummer!!]
obviously i was spending my time wisely... onlining la of course...
din really got to study...
am all stressed up right now...
Hypothesis: when i am all stressed up, i will not study but play... hehe :P
wont be updating for a week or so...
so dont miss me...
i noe u ppl will *sobs*

tatz for now...
pls pray for me...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


the agony... the horror...
i hunch on the chair n crunch on my fingers...
waiting... waiting... waiting...
for the show to start la... wait for wat sumore...
hehe >.<
anyway, i noe u SPM 07' ppl are straight tense n anxious rite now...
take slip most horrible n satisfying thing...
waited so long for results n now oni keluar...
n college is starting soon for u ppl... i am crying for u ppl T.T
ahhh, just hoping n praying for all of you to pass all the papers with flying colours...
when u come out from the hall with ur slips whether you fail or not... BE PROUD with it...
its better than not getting anything...
dont regret doin wat u did...
be proud that you took up the challenge to take the exam n went thru all the study times with all the boring n thick text books...
be proud that you slept in class without ur teacher knowing
n skipped classes to ronda the whole school...
be proud that you din pass up all the assignments n copied in your tests....
be proud that you stood up to ur teachers marahing in front of the whole assembly...
be proud that ur class got the title "Kelas Ter-KOTOR"....
haha :P [just kiddin' lolx]

passing is not the matter...
just put your trust in the Lord n he will guide your path...
" For i know the plans I have for you, says the Lord,
plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
butto give you hope and a future."
~Jeremiah 29:11~
so, be still n know that God holds ur future...
ur future is already decided by Him...
May God Bless You all you SPM 07' ppl...
Hope that all of you pass with rainbows in the sky...
Good Luck!!!

Lovey Dovey Relationships...

well, on today's posting...
its not really bout me but its about a few friends of mine who are quite desperate la for a girl/guy...
its not the matter that whether you have money or the looks.
if a person really doesnt like you, why stay in the same status...
can't u just move on...
we dont have to worry whether we have the looks, money, or the nicest car or not...
if a person really likes you, the person will accept you for who you are...
so why worry so much...
the worst thing to do is to stalk on the person... never ever idolise the person...
pls dont be a stalker... its weird... n FREEKY....
in God's timing He will provide you with a good girl-friend/boy-friend..
everything is in God's hands... therefore no worries la...
just hold upon God's word and pray...
btw, young ppl under 18 are advised not to have a gf/bf...
we are still young n not matured enuff for all these lovey-dovey stuff la...
no need to be so desperate like Desperate Housewives or Househusbands la... hehe =.=
no money for dates n sumore no transportation...how to date sumone...
using ur parents money is not the solution...
its not that we are gonna marry the person or what...
at this age, do u think ur relationship will be stable n last for a long time....
is it so important that we have a gf/bf at this age...
do u think that it is so fun to have a gf/bf...
a) when you wanna break-up wif the person n u wanna voice it out...
u r hurting the person n u r becoming the bad guy... very the fun meh??
b) when u get to know the person is cheating on you...
wat r u gonna do... cry la if ur a girl rite... if ur a guy le [i donno wat u guys do coz i
am not a guy] nyek nyek >.<
c) when you start misunderstanding each other...
get into fights la then dont talk to each other for a whole day... silly way to solve
a prob... that's not the way to solve a prob...
but i know sumone whose love is everlasting n He never cheats on us...
He is the amazing n ever-faithful JESUS!!!!!
why so lonely knowing that there is sumone who loves us so much...
love us much more than all the love that u can get from the world...
is it fair to Him to love us n not us to love Him??
there is never a single person relationship...
its a two side relationship...
how can someone love a person while the other person doesnt love u...
Jesus can accept us for who we are...
we dont have to worry whether He will accepts us becoz we are poor or fat...
He obviously will... no matter on wat circumstances, His heart wont change...
well to all the couples out there start appreciating each other n be faithful to each other...
to all the singles out there... know that i love u n God loves u even more...
some of you might disagree with me but its alright...
i am just pouring out my opinions...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

oh mother!!

hmmm, do u sumtimes feel that mothers are annoying n nagging...
coz i ain't nagging-proof... not even water-proof la....
anyway, i may be the 1st to complain bout moms on the blog but luckly i am not the only one complaining...hehe :P
coming back to the mom thing....
sometimes i really dont understand my mom alot...
she claims that she is far-sighted n i am not....
i dont say that she is wrong but can't she just accept me for the way God made me....
sumtimes scold oso tak munahsabah wan.. little little things den start her 'singing' de...
veli the sien lo...
come back oni start nagging bout lil stuff...
i cant even take a break after coming back from skool...
sumore at skool teacher may scold n might go pertengkaran between fwens n she doesnt bother bout it or me...

but sometimes i think that moms are the best ppl in the world lo...
they might seem mean at times but not totally...
they know wats best for us la...
so we shud appreciate them...
for me i thk God for me mom eventhough i sumtimes disagree with her but she loves me alot eventhough i am nottie...[finally i admit :( ]
not all the time nottie la... sumtimes oni la... most of the time i am an ANGEL [perasan-ing]
sumtimes being a single parent aint easy so i have to understand her sumtimes...
she has to provide for the whole family n not complain bout it....
when we ask for stuff from our parents we seldom think whether
thay have the ka-ching ka-ching [cash la] to but for us...
it aint easy to earn money nowadays... sumore kerajaan change de...
my mom is sort of a best fwen to me at times oni la...
might turn out to be evil to me at times la...
but wat are moms for...
to love, care, teach n provide for the family...
i seriously thk God for a mom like my mom... it is good enuff for me...

I LOVE U MOM!!! i seriously do :)

have a great day...
n try to make ur mom feel happy today by just saying

-till next time-
tune in for more exciting n boring news at GNN

Friday, March 7, 2008

my christian walk

i actually had a feeling to blog bout this since this morning but dont really noe how to blog bout it...
its about my christian walk in Christ.
i actually am not a good christian in the sense that i can sometimes be distracted by the things of this world n i really utterly feel bad bout it...
i may feel satisfied at times at where i stand in Christ... that shud not be the way...
there is always a voice inside me crying out

it might seem easy to say but it is hard to meet the wanting...
i am very glad that i am able to serve in a few ministries in church but is God satisfied with what i am giving back to Him??
He had blessed me so much that nothing cud even contain all these blessings...
imagine a God so great n wonderful accepting you for who u r...
blesses u in everything you do without wanting anything in return....
my God is a generous God... n i am thankful for all that...
there is nothing that i can do to repay all that you had done for me...
even by giving me this breath to live my life...
giving your only son to die on the cross just for the sake of saving us from sin is a great sacrifice that no one can do except you...
i feel so guilty in everything that i have done...right or wrong...
miracles after miracles that You had done n sometimes i dont even appreciate it...
sometimes i take God very forgranted...
its like when i need You, i call upon You...
when i dont need You, i treat You as if You dont exist...
i noe its a very bad sign but i thank God that You are changing n moulding me each n everyday of my life...
i hope that starting from this day onwards i wont be shaken by anything...
there is nothing that can break my relationship with You.

my prayer is that God, You will change me n transform me into a christian that is pleasing to you. santify n purify me. take away anything that is not pleasing to You.
i pray that God will help me thru all the trials that i have to go thru.
be with me Lord.for You said, "I will never leave you nor forsake You."
n Lord when i call unto You, You will answer me...
i wanna renew my Christian walk wif You. Pls forgive me n wash away all my sins.
i wanna breakfree n be a new vessel that can serve You with all my heart n soul.
let me live a new life.
i open my heart to You. pls stay in my heart forever n ever.

finally, i feel better after pouring out my hearts cry... have a great day :)
God Bless You

Thursday, March 6, 2008

just came back from skool... look at the time.... 4.45 pm....
so TIRED but still blogging =.= *hehe :P*
anyway, we had choir prac as usual la but getting better la....
still need practise sumore to make it perfect....
today quite a few things happened in skool but lots of stuff that is associated wif marahing n showing silat stuff....
silat in the sense that got some fights la....

well, nothing much happened la just got last round of the acara padang in skool today n it was great to see the athelets of the skool competing wif each other.... cool la especially for high jump...
well, the high jump really revealed sumthing to me... that everyone has limits....
limits as in that we have a boundary for everything...
there r fwens that might seem nice but when u really get on their nerves... it might give them a total blast...
limits where u cant do all things by our own... we can oni do some but not all...
there is someone whom i really now that can do all those things for me...
thats JESUS.... n he is my fwen... my true best fwen...
whenever i am wif him, he helps me thru every thick n thin situations....
i am not afraid to pour out all my problems to him...
n he is a fwen i can count on all my life....
he is ever faithful n true to me.... never leaving me nor forsake me...
i am happie n thkful that i have a fwen like him....
all of us have fwens but can our fwens be there for us all the time???
my Jesus can... i am 200% sure bout it...

well, just a simple blog la...nothing to blog much now a days... quite lazee x.x

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

haiz... today is like....bleh....
can die er...haiyo...so chuan lo... wanna naik gila de la me.... huhu T.T
so, bout skool....
hmmmm.... not much la... just that EXAMZ are like 2 more weeks la....
so dead by then... sejarah have to study the whole form 4 syllabus which is 10 WHOLE CHAPTERS!!!!!!
argh!!!!! n guess wat.... i din start studying yet... *laughs*
veli the funny hor.... be in my shoes la... so saddening la my life....

btw, more saddening news to come.... on the headlines....
no more pracs. for marching la....
it will be a holiday on friday....so cannot have prac.
n holidays like a week...
exam week for i whole week
after exam week... its already sports day... saddening nia....
well, i sort fed up wif me marchers de.... no commitment at all....
i have to sacrifice loads of stuff to think of everything n its not easy....
positions aren't tetap yet... why le???
becoz no full squad!!!! argh..... GERAM LO!!!!!
am so dissapointted in myself... i dont noe where i go wrong la....
i just have nothing to say bout marching de....

moving on....
i went to the educational fair at PISA last sunday.... i was super great...n super loadz of ppl there...
i got to know a lot of stuff n is sumhow exposed la.... feel pressured n confused oso la in choosing courses n collages.... sumore mostly the courses even in local collages is SUPER EXPENSIVE....
well, met a lot of church, skool, tuition ppl there....
thkz to mabel i got to go there... without u i wont be there no matter wat....
it was cool la to get to know more of the stuff that i have in mind to take up....
we tot that there were 200 booths available but in the stadium area there were oni 50 booths...
we were kinda curious la... so we asked around n found out that there were actually more booths at the concourse area... huh??? wat.... we spend like 2 hours in the stadium n the concourse area wud take a whole year to explore.... *tokok tambah-ing*
i got some cool course books though...
there were a few educational advisor companies there displaying their book n ppl just took the books like free....
thats so cool... the paper quality is like superb n they r giving it away...
i went to the british counsil booth n i found 2 books that was like so grand....
like novels n no one was at the booth... mable was like... take la nvm wan la....
the book looked like it cost a lot... around rm50....
but finally i made the desicion to take la... hehe :P
got back like tired.... feet was like so aching like crazy...

thats sort of all la for the day...
will hear from me after 2 weeks...
dont cry... i will be back.... hehe :P

Saturday, March 1, 2008


wow, its march de... so >>>> FAST>>>>
SPM is like so near de.... huhu T.T
time really flies when we are or not having fun...
thiz sux to the max. lo....

anyway, news bout the past few days...
headlines : marching sux like rubbish....
haiyo, so chuan n chiak sim qua lo my marchers...
there is like exactly 29 more days to sports day n none of them has a clue on how to march perfectly...
i really salute bianca...
how i wish she is the marching captain....
she like teaches so well la... i wish i can teach them like she did....
then, some pula wanna quit... how many times i tell u de... NO QUITTING....
but seriously, i really felt like quitting myself too... :(
but there was a feeling inside me saying...

a testimony actually,
i prayed on wednesday that i wudn't be raining yesterday...
n most of thursday it was like raining non stop....
was so scared that i had to cancel the marching practice...
thk God, i prayed for good windy weather n God answered my prayer...
So it is actually a great thing to noe that God is on my side n that God really answers prayers if u seek Him with all your heart....

Till next time....
adios :P


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